Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yet So Present In the Details

I've been meaning to get back into blogging for some time now. Writing in any form is something I've always liked to do, but somehow a combination of being busy with work, and then that work being hours upon hours spent behind a computer screen, has left me only thinking about most things I might want to write about, rather than actually writing them out. I'm going to get this blog here started again though and see what happens.
There's something to be said for journaling. For chronicling the things we do, and reflecting on experiences. I used to do it a lot. Starting in high school, all the way through about a year ago. Pages and pages of consciousness, in a seemingly endless stream. I would do it with my eyes closed some times. That's one of the wonderful things about a keyboard that a pen just simply doesn't allow for: pure, thought-to-ink flow.
I haven't been doing it though. I've been getting my therapy in other ways. But yet, I still find myself often thinking 'I'd like to write about this thought', like I always have, and I (for) now I'm planning on doing that here. Personal journaling is a good thing, but it's a different kind of exploration when you're writing to an apparent audience - even if that audience is only perceived  It's like the difference between having a good, deep dream, and weaving a story to tell.
Off the top of my head, some of the things I've been meaning to write about are ideas of home, belonging, living and loving in a foreign language, change, movement, discovery, identity, and other such broad, yet so present in the details, themes.
In summary, what this blog is about then - is me. Me and my thoughts about the things I experience, learn and remember. Pretty simple I suppose.

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